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Items tagged "Lamb BBQ": 103

Parade at the Lamb BBQ
Mounties, Jim Campbell and Lorraine Campbell in the Canada Day parade at the Lamb BBQ at Winter Cove

Kids Getting Ready for a Race
Kid's games at the Lamb BBQ

Face Painting at the Lamb BBQ.
View full record for details.

Preparing the Lamb
L-R: Ian Middleditch, John Gaines, Unknown, Chuck Crowley and Jim Campbell spitting the lambs for the BBQ at the Community Hall

Clowns at the Lamb BBQ
Right clown is Bill Vincent.

Boats in Winter Cove for the Lamb BBQ
View full record for details.

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The Lamb BBQ
Lambs roasting at July 1st Lamb Barbecue at Saturna Beach.

Jack Rush
Jack Rush sitting in the shade of a truck at the Lamb BBQ. He first came to Saturna in 1946 and built a summer cabin in Boot Cove.

Carving the Lambs
Jon Guy (left) and Hubertus Surm carving the lambs at the Lamb BBQ

Sack Races
The children's sack race at the Lamb BBQ.

Cookhouse at Saturna Beach
Three people working in cookhouse prepping for the Lamb BBQ. Note on back reads "In the cookhouse preparing coleslaw".

Lambs Roasting
Cooking the lambs at the Lamb BBQ. Note on back reads "SWSC" (Saturna Women's Service Club).

Cooking the Lambs at the Lamb BBQ
The chefs could be Ron Banner or Jim Campbell (left) and Jim Cruikshank (right)

The Lamb BBQ
Cooking the lambs at the Lamb BBQ at Thomson Park. Note on back reads "John [Money] believes that Mr. Cruikshank is the man standing at far left scratching his ear. Jim started the tradition of racking lambs which he learnt to do in Argentina."

Jim Campbell could be the man carving.

Ron Banner and Jim Cruikshank
Picture of Ron Banner and Jim Cruikshank (mostly cut out) crouching in front of roasting lambs at the Lamb BBQ at Thomson Park.

Note on back reads "Workbee outside of Saturna Beach cook house 50's - Lou Money lifting pressure cooker off camp stove - Jean Howarth in Capri pants & smoking cigarette in background".

Drink To Your Health!
Dayle Johnson and Melanie Gaines selling tickets for the beer garden at the Lamb BBQ. Note on back reads "SWSC".

The Lamb BBQ
Close-up of roasting lambs at the Lamb BBQ at Thomson Park

The Lamb BBQ
Picture of lambs roasting with some people standing around at the Lamb BBQ at Thomson Park